Uploading images

With CoaMaker PRO, you can upload images. These images are stored in your browser and can only be accessed by you. You can delete these images from the upload section again by clicking the Trash Button that appears when you hover the uploaded image. Deleting the image from your browser does not affect your saved designs.

The total size of uploaded images that you use in your designs is limited because of technical restrictions. If you add too many uploaded images to a design, you might not be able to open it again. As of now, the option to upload images is a tool to add on the existing images in CoaMaker that are optimized and have a small file size.

All files that are uploaded to CoaMaker are automatically downsized and compressed so that you can use them easily on the canvas and in save files.

The best way to use the upload images feature is to upload small and compressed images in the first place.

Example for a website to resize images: https://imageresizer.com/

Example for a website to compress images: https://compresspng.com/