Features Voting

You need an active PRO license to suggest and vote for new features.

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5 votes

Need anvil symbols for all the smith gods and dwarven clans.

2 votes
More mammoths

More Woolly mammoths And Stone spears

6 votes
Bear supporters

Very good bear charges. If possible, maybe add bear supporters? That’d be delightful :D.

7 votes
Ability to Edit the Flag

The Ability to Edit the flag in the Exterior:Other section or at least more designs for it

14 votes
Shield Patterns on all Shield Types

I love the current availability of Shield Patterns, however I was hoping for all patterns being available on all shield shapes. For instance, Id like the 6 horizontal line background availably on the more pointier shield.

12 votes
More military supporters

Guys, at the moment the only military supporters we have are 4, of the which, 2 are somewhat badly-drawn roman soldiers. The other two are a wild looking man and a cossack. Can we get maybe some other supporters, maybe a bit more.. western? A British Buckingham Palace soldier, or a Knight, or an officer.. […]

How to suggest new symbols and features

As someone with an active PRO license, you can suggest new symbols and features. And. you can upvote the requests of fellow users.

Be Specific

The more specific your request is, the more likely it will be implemented.


Symbols that are used by far-right groups and/or are forbidden in Germany, won’t be added to CoaMaker.

Your Wishlist, Our Mission

While I can’t promise to turn every wish into reality, I’m rolling up my digital sleeves to make magic happen.